The Sepsis Clinical Guide news feed

The Sepsis Clinical Guide version 2.0 for iOS includes ESCAVO’s News feed. Here, Sepsis app users will receive periodic news and information in the field of sepsis management, infectious disease, critical care, mobile health, and other relevant topics. We will...

Sepsis App Giveaway During Sepsis Awareness Month!

In recognition of Sepsis Awareness Month, we will be giving away free copies of our popular Sepsis Clinical Guide app during the entire month of September. We want to put this valuable tool in the hands of as many physicians and other healthcare workers as possible,...

What is Sepsis and Why Did We Make an App for it?

Why a sepsis app? As is it often the case, it’s personal. Sepsis has affected people very close to us and we wanted to do something about it. And we’re not alone. Every year, over 700,000 people are affected by sepsis and over 200,000 die from it in the...